NAC signs MOU with GE Aerospace to explore carbon offset program for NAC’s aircraft leasing operations Nordic Aviation Capital A220-300 Narrowbody
NAC has completed a sale agreement for 8 E190s and 2 E175s with TrueNoord e170 E175 ERJ embraer Narrowbody NAC Nordic Aviation Capital
NAC has executed a lease agreement for 2 additional E175s with Star Air e170 E175 ERJ embraer Narrowbody NAC Nordic Aviation Capital
NAC has executed a sale agreement for 1 ATR 72-500 with Buddha Air ATR 600 - Nordic aviation aircraft lessor
NAC has completed a sale agreement for 1 ATR 42-500 with Skyways Technics ATR 600 - Nordic aviation aircraft lessor
NAC has completed a sale agreement with an undisclosed customer for 7 aircraft, 3 airframes and 6 engines ATR 600 - Nordic aviation aircraft lessor
NAC is pleased to announce the recipients of the NAC Women in Aviation Scholarship funds at Cranfield University Nordic Aviation Capital A220-300 Narrowbody
NAC has completed a sale agreement for 2 E190s with Executive Jet Support e170 E175 ERJ embraer Narrowbody NAC Nordic Aviation Capital
Goldman Sachs Aircraft Leasing Conference Presentation December 2022 e170 E175 ERJ embraer Narrowbody NAC Nordic Aviation Capital