NAC has executed a sale agreement for 4 CF34-10E engines with DASI e170 E175 ERJ embraer Narrowbody NAC Nordic Aviation Capital
NAC has executed an agreement to sell 11 regional aircraft to TrueNoord Dash 8-400 NAC Nordic Aviation
NAC has executed a purchase agreement for 1 LEAP-1B and 1 CFM56-5B leased engine with SMBC Aero Engine Lease B.V.
NAC has arranged the sale of 6 CRJ1000 aircraft to BeauTech Power Systems Export Development Canada, Crj1000, NAC, BeauTech Narrowbody
NAC completed the sale of 2 CF34-10 engines to Executive Jet Support Nordic Aviation Capital A220-300 Narrowbody
NAC has executed a sale agreement for 16 Dash 8-400s with Formidion Aviation Dash 8-400 NAC Nordic Aviation